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Brainy Bunch

Commercial Pilot's License (CPL) / IR (APTL)

This is a 18 month* non-stop, full time residential training programme aiming to train the Pilot to the level of proficiency necessary to operate as a co-pilot on multi-pilot aeroplanes in commercial air transport and to obtain a CPL/IR license.

Brainy Bunch

Commercial Pilot's License (CPL) / IR (APTL)

This is a 18 month* non-stop, full time residential training programme aiming to train the Pilot to the level of proficiency necessary to operate as a co-pilot on multi-pilot aeroplanes in commercial air transport and to obtain a CPL/IR license.

Commercial Pilot's License / Instrument Rating
(CPL/IR) with Frozen ATPL

Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) is the next course for anyone who wish to
make flying an aircraft as their career. Once you obtain this license, you are
hereby recognised as professional pilot.

While a student  who graduated from a flying school with a CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence)
and IR (Instrumental Rating) (CPL+IR) will have a license
which known as the Frozen ATPL.

Enroll Now

Frozen ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License)

Once you received your CPL/IR license, you are now ranked as “Frozen ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License)” for pilots who have limited flying experience outside of training to essentially be eligible to work as a First Officer in an airline for about 18 months time.

After specific aircraft type training is completed and subject to how many minimum hours requirement needs to be met. In today’s fast-growing airline companies, once you complete 1,500 hours of flight experience, your “frozen” status will be lifted and be able to apply for a full ATPL license. making you eligible for employment in any airline company and apply for promotion as Captain.

Commercial Pilot's License (CPL)

This license lets pilot operating an aircraft to be paid for their service. Once completed, you can fly an aircraft as the only pilot in pilot-on-command or a co-pilot to a multi-crew aircraft. Individuals must reach the age of 18 years of age to enrol in this program.


Part 1

  • 90 hours ground training elementary ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) theory

Part 2

  • 660 hours ground training ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) theory (14 subjects)
  • 20 hours ground training long briefings
  • 5 hours UPRT (Upset Prevention & Recovery Training) ground course
  • ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot Licence) theoretical examination

Part 3

  • 25 + 3 basic UPRT hours dual SEP + 17 hours solo SEP
  • 5 hours dual SEP + 41 hours solo SEP
  • 38 hours dual SEP + 28 hours solo SEP + 20 hours dual MEP
  • 40 hours flight simulator training in FSTD (Flight Simulation Training Devices)
  • CPL/IR (Commercial Pilot’s Licence/Instrument Rating) skill test

SEP = Single-Engine Piston aircraft (Diamond DA40)
MEP = Multi-Engine Piston aircraft (Diamond DA62)

Part 4

  • 25 hours MCC (Multi-Crew Cooperation) Course
  • 3 hours advance UPRT (Upset Prevention & Recovery Training)
  • 15 hours simulator training in FSTD (Flight Simulation Training Devices) (MCC jet aircraft)
Instrument Flying

Obtaining additional training is required for those who wish to start a career as a commercial airline pilot with Instrument Flying as the first part of qualification, where pilots are able to fly and operate aircraft into cloud and of no ground visual.

Instrument Rating

This qualification refers to the pilot having full control of the flying aircraft and navigation under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) only – for airline pilots. This training consists of both written and practical exams respectively to assess pilots understanding of the theory and practical skill to conduct a safe IFR flight.

Theoretical Training

Theory Phase 1 – Elementary ATPL

12 weeks full time classroom instruction distributed as follows:

Air Law  (LAW) 8 hours
Principles of Flight  (POF) 16 hours
Aircraft General Knowledge  (AGK) 15 hours
Human Performance & Limitations  (HPL) 8 hours
Radio Communications  (COM) 5 hours
Navigation  (NAV) 14 hours
Flight Performance & Planning  (FPP) 10 hours
Meteorology  (MET) 14 hours

Theoretical Training

Long Briefings
Long briefings (group briefings) are provided throughout Flight Training Phase 1 in order to step by step facilitate the translation of theoretical knowledge into real-life flight operation skills.

Theory Phase 2 - Advanced ATPL

Mass & Balance (M&B) 35 hours
Performance (PERF) 35 hours
Operational Procedures (OPS) 25 hours
Flight Planning (FP) 35 hours
Air Law (LAW) 40 hours
Human Performance & Limitations (HPL) 50 hours
VFR Communications (VFR) 15 hours

Theory Phase 3 - Advanced ATPL

Principles of Flight (PF) 40 hours
Airframes, Systems (AS) 40 hours
Instrumentation (INS) 40 hours
Power Plant (PP) 40 hours
General Navigation (NAV GEN) 90 hours
Radio Navigation (RAD NAV) 90 hours
Meteorology (MET) 70 hours
IFR Communications (IFR) 15 hours
Basic UPRT Course 5 hours
Ground training long briefings 20 hours

Flight Training

Flight Training Phase 1

Exercises up to the first solo flight comprise a total of at least 14 hours
dual flight instruction on a SEP aeroplane including:

  • Pre-flight operations, mass and balance determination,aeroplane inspection and servicing.
  • Aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collisionavoidance and precautions.
  • Control of the aeroplane by external visual references.
  • Normal take-offs and landings.
  • Flight at critically low air speeds, recognition of recoveryfrom incipient and full stalls, spin avoidance.
  • Unusual attitudes and simulated engine failure.

Flight Training Phase 2

Exercises up to the first solo cross-country flight comprise a total of
at least 10 hours of dual flight instruction and at least 16 hours solo flight including:

  • Maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance)take-offs and short-field landings
  • Flight by reference solely to instruments, includingthe completion of a 180 ° turn
  • Dual cross-country flying using external visual references,DR and radio navigation aids, diversion procedures
  • Aerodrome and traffic pattern operations at differentaerodromes
  • Crosswind take-offs and landings
  • Abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres,including simulated aeroplane equipment malfunctions
  • Operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes,compliance with ATS procedures, R/T proceduresand phraseology
  • Knowledge of meteorological briefing arrangements,evaluation of weather conditions for flight and use of AIS.

Flight Training Phase 3

Exercises up to the VFR navigation progress test comprise a total of at least 50 hours as PIC.
The dual instruction and testing up to the VFR navigation and 5 hours flight time shall
be completed at night, comprising 3 hours of dual instruction, which will include. At least:

1 hour cross-country navigation and 5 solo take off landings,
and 5 solo full stop landing and UPRT flight instruction

  • Repetition of exercises of phases 2 and 3;
  • VFR flight at relatively critical high air speeds,
    recognition of and recovery from spiral dives;
  • VFR navigation progress test conducted by
    an FI not connected with the applicant’s training;
  • Night flight time including take-offs and landings as PIC.

Flight Training Phase 4

Exercises up to the instrument rating skill test comprise:

  • 115 hours instrument time, of which
  • 20 hours as SPIC
  • 15 hours MCC, for which an FFS or FNPT II may be used
  • 50 hours of instrument flight instruction, which up to

40 hours is instrument ground time in an FNPT II, FTD 2 or FFS of which up to 10 hours may be conducted in an FNPT I by an FI or an authorised SFI

  • 55 hours instrument time flown as SPIC on actual aircraft;
  • Pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of
    the flight manual and appropriate ATS documents in the
    preparation of an IFR flight plan
  • Procedures and manoeuvres for IFR operation under normal,
    abnormal and emergency conditions covering at least
  • Transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off
  • SIDs and arrivals
  • En-route IFR procedures
  • Holding procedures
  • Instrument approaches to specified minima
  • Missed approach procedures
  • Landings from instrument approaches, including circling
  • In-flight manoeuvres and specific flight characteristics

Operation of an ME aeroplane, including operation of the aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with one engine simulated inoperative, and engine shut-down and restart (the latter training at a safe altitude or carried out in the FSTD).

Theoretical Training (MCC)

Multi-Crew Cooperation Theory

4 days full time classroom instruction in the following subjects:

· Introduction
· Health & Safety
· Part-FCL Requirements
· Threat Error Management
· Human Error
· Decision Making
· Teamwork
· Communication
· Crew Resource Management
· Summary
Total hours : 25 hours
Advance UPRT ground course : 5 hours

Flight Training Phase 5

  • Advance UPRT min. 5 hours

Flight Training Phase 6

Multi-Crew Cooperation synthetic flight training for proficiency in operating multi-pilot aeroplane under IFR:

  • 15 hours in FSTD JET
Commercial Pilot's Licence

Enrollment Process for Commercial Pilot’s License (CPL) / IR (APTL):


Sign Up

Upon signing up for our program, we will need 3 working days to evaluate the education prerequisite.

Submit Medical Certificate

After we verify schedule availability, you will need to submit to us your Medical Certificate.

Submit to CAAM

We will then will proceed to submit your medical certificate together with your PPL application to CAAM, which they will process within 2 weeks.

Receive Offer Letter

After we receive the answer from CAAM, we will send you an offer letter and also the payment schedule which is linked with the financial institution.

Initial Payment

You will have to do your initial payment first before starting the program.

Start Enrollment

After we receive your initial payment, we will start your enrollment in the program.